Charis Centre | Connecting Minds | Changing Lives
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" Connecting minds, Changing lives "

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Upcoming Events

华恩中心将在2024年7月21日(星期日)下午一点,在华恩中心办公室,Woodlands11, 举行一年一度的年议会(AGM)。会议将会让会员知道在2024年接下来所会进行的节目。会议会通过2023年的账目。敬请出席。谢谢。
Dear Members,
Charis Centre will be holding its Annual Ordinary Meeting (AGM) on 21 July 2024 (Sunday) at 1 pm, at the office premise, Woodlands 11. The AGM will update on the activities that will be happening in 2024. The AGM also resolute to pass the financial reports for 2023.
Kindly attend the coming AGM.
Thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

View our list of FAQ for both tuition centres

About Charis

Chris Centre is a Voluntary Welfare Organisation (VWO) registered with the National Council of Social Service (NCSS).

Date of Registration: 30th August 200


Charities (COC) Registration No: 01547

Mission & Vision

Our mission to strive to develop each individual holistically to make a difference in his/her family and society.

Our vision is “Connecting Minds, Changing Lives”

Our core values in Serving the Community, Strengthening Relationships and Spreading Goodness.

Pledge with us today!

Your contribution will go a long way to aid our efforts in providing assistance for the needy
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In association with:

Commissioner of Charities