Give Food, Give Love
Provide relief for such families/individuals
Provide comfort to such families/individuals by giving the assurance
that there are still people who care about them
Provide a platform for development of positive values to such
families/individuals to contribute to the society by caring for others
Phase one of food distribution – August
Phase two of food distribution – November
Phase three of food distribution – February
Phase four of food distribution – May
1) Renewal forms to be given out and returned in June,
2) Eligible families are notified for continuation for next year,
3) In cases of vacancies available due to withdrawals, families on waiting list is
1) Rice 2) Milo powder 3) Sugar
4) Instant noodles 5) Cooking oil 6) Biscuits
7) Salt
* Items subjected to change based on availability
Be it cash donation, packing & distributing of food packs or arranging of administrative works,
you can make a difference! Contact us today for ways that you can get involved in!